Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AF-MBST-27
Single-headed Drums
'Lion of Judah' Emblem Drum
Ethiopia or Eritrea
Wood, hide, paint
Early-Mid 20th century
Height: 6 in; Drum head diameter: 5.75 in
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
This hide-covered, wooden bowl-shaped hand drum comes from Ethiopia or Eritrea. On the face of the drum is etched ‘The Lion of Judah,’ a Jewish national and cultural emblem, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah. The lion is posed with crown and cross staff, and right arm/paw is reaching toward the side of the drum. The depiction appears to have been created by rubbing the red stain off the drum head, resulting in a lighter pink/white sketch. The exterior is entirely covered by animal skin in two pieces held together with a zig-zagging animal skin strip stitching. The drum also has beads or seeds inside that rattle when shook. This drum possibly served as a processional drum and has a leather strap for carrying.