Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AS-AERV-08-14
Madurese 'Saronen'
Madura Island, East Java, Indonesia
Wood, leather, metal
ca. 20th century
Height: 17.25 in
Aerophone – Wind Instruments Proper – Reedpipes
The saronen (also called selompret) is a conical wooden tube with six fingerholes, a thumbhole, and a single tuning vent on the bell. Thr thin metal lip disc (pirouette) at the upper end, is shaped to extends partially over the player’s checks and is used to indicate the amount of reed to be placed in the mouth. The saronen has a very loud sound and is used to lead processionals and is used in the gamelan saronen (the rural gamelan of Madura and East Java), where it is the principal and only melodic instrument. The Madurese people inhabit the Madura Island and a chain of smaller islands located to the east of it, in the Java Sea such as Kambing Island, Sapudi Islands and Kangean Islands. Many have also migrated to Indonesia. The Madurese are one of the most devout groups of the Islam faith in Indonesia.
Resource: Jeremy Montagu – “The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments,” 2nd ed., Laurence Libin, Editor in Chief