Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AF-MBST-28
Single-headed Drums
Makonde Drum
Southeast Tanzania and Northern Mozambique
Wood, hide
Early-Mid-20th century
Height: 19 in; Head diameter: 8.75 in; Base diameter: 3.5 in
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
A Makonde field collected drum with goblet shaped body and single drum head. Two large protruding loops are carved from this single log, near the top and bottom of the body for attaching a strap to wear or carry the drum. Skin head is a light brown leather and attached to the body with small wooden pegs. the sides of the skin head are also cut into small flaps that have sealed over the drum, creating a unique pattern. The body of the drum is smoothed and shines from the patina.