Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-078-14
Single-headed Drums
Makonde Spike Drum
Southeast Tanzania and Northern Mozambique
Wood, hide, fiber
Mid 20th century
Length: 34 inches
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
A small and unusual drum with pointed bottom pole found among the Makonde people. The pointed spike end is stuck into the ground to support the drum, rather than having a footed bottom. This drum carved from one piece of wood has a resonator bowl on top the pointed pole that is covered with animal skin attached with wooden pegs. The form and style of this interesting drum make this drum a special and delightful artifact. This drum was used as a drum by a ritual specialist or it was part of a popular drum ensemble to accompany music, songs, and dances during ceremonies and festivals. Tanzanian tribal art is less researched and published than Western and Central art.