Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-CHHP-14-14
Mangbetu Figural 'Domu'
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
Wood, Leather, Braided String
ca. Mid-20th century
Length: 62 cm
Chordophone – Harp – Plucked
This Mangbetu figurative arch harp is call a “Domu.” – The carved wooden male figure is posed with his arms to his side (space between arms). Scarification is shown on his face and the trunk of his body. The elongated representation of the head is a reference to the past Mangbetu practice of shaping the head during infancy by means of gentle pressure through tying bands around the head of the soft skull/head of the infant.
The resonators come in two forms, the hourglass shape, as seen here, or an oval shape and usually features two small sounding holes on the top surface. The anthropomorphic convention is also carried further with legs carved above the resonator, featuring the full body. A variety of animal skins were used to cover the resonator.