Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MASK-04-14
Marka Headdress
Mali, Guinea, and Burkina Faso
Wood, metal, cowrie shells, cotton fiber, beads, kaolin paste
Late 20th century
Height: 17.5 inches
Other – Regalia – Headdress
A headdress of the Marka, living in Mali, Guinea, and Burkina Faso, who are neighbors of the Bamana (Bambara). Today they mainly practice Islam, however they often retain the use of masks and figures for ceremonies and rituals closely related to the Bamana. This mask is possibly related to the N’Tomo initiation mask for young boys in the process of learning adult responsibilities. I purchased it personally from the master sculptor in 1990, but due to language barriers it was difficult to know for sure the intent of this beautiful headdress. It is very unique with its inlayed cowrie shells. This headdress displays a straight noise that rises above the small, prominent mouth in a pointed chin. Above the eyes are lids painted blue and the two rectangular ears support ear loops of beads and tassels. On top is an arched crown.