Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-076-14
Resource: “Naqqara.” The Groves Dictionary of Music Instruments. 2nd ed. 2014. Print. Editor: Laurence Libin, Oxford University Press.
Struck Membranophones
Morocco 'Naqqara'
Pottery, skin, sinew
Mid 20th Century
Diameter A: 10 in, Diameter B: 8 in
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
The naqqara is a type of kettledrum of the Islamic world, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, each with their variants of constructed materials, sizes, tuning, and function. They are often, though not always, played in pairs. This naqqara pair is made of pottery and comes from Morocco. They consist of a large and a small kettle drum, one much narrower than the other, laced together with gut/sinew, and each tuned to different pitches. Variant names and uses of the naqqara in North Africa, include the nuqayra of the north African Berbers and Syrians and the nagarit which is widely use in Ethiopian military and religious music.