Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-OTHR-57-14
Ritual Symbolism
Ndebele Initiation Doll
South Africa
Beads, hide, fiber, metal wire
Mid 20th century
Length: 12.5 in
Other – Ritual Symbolism
This Ndebele initiation doll is in the traditional dress of a married woman. The apron she is wearing signifies that she has borne a child within wedlock and shows her status as a parent. The neck of this doll is wound with copper wire as well as both arms and legs. Within the Ndebele tradition, the women use to wear copper and brass rings not only around their necks, but around their legs and arms, as shown with this doll. The rings are given to the women by their husbands and worn as a sign of faithfulness and were once removed only after the women died. Today, however, the women no longer wear them.
The Ndebele people are among the smallest ethnic groups in Southern Africa, but are easily one of the most colorful and distinctive. They are well known for their colorful houses that have geometric patterns painted on their walls.