Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AEFL-097
Flutes - Ocarina
Ocarina by Charles Mathieu
Charles Mathieu
Nickel plate over pewter
ca. 1875
Length: 5.7 in
Wind Instruments – Woodwind – Flutes – Fipple (Duct) – Ocarina
Marked on mouthpiece: CH. MATHIEU / PARIS // 2
Marked on top: MODÊLE DEPOSÉ
The ocarina is a global vessel duct-flute aerophone found worldwide. It is made in a variety of shapes and sizes and made from various types of materials. This metal ocarina is made by C.H. Mathieu from Paris, France. It is nickel plate over pewter and the key holes system is 8 finger holes and 2 thumb holes. Each of the tone holes are marked with numbers plus pitch names in solfege.