Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDST-54-14
Source: “Der Ogboni-Geheimbund” by Dr. Th.A.H.M. Dobbelmann, 1976 (pg 138)
Bells, Metal
Ogboni Bell (B)
Copper alloy
19th century or earlier
Height: 11 inches
Idiophone-Struck Directly – Metal Bell
This Yoruba Bell made for the Ogboni Society was used in rituals, possibly to make connections with their ancestors. The Ogboni Society is a fraternal institution indigenous to the Oruba language-speaking polities of Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Togo, and among the Edo people.
Ethnomusicologists believe that bells with a blade or knife handle, have a different function than bells with figural handles.