Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: OC-IDST-07
Struck Idiophones
Papua ‘Water/Mud’ Iatmul Drum
Papua New Guines – Sepik River
Melanesia – Papua New Guinea
Iatmul People
Wood, pink natural pigment
Early-Mid 1900s
Length: 30.75 in
Idiophones – Directly Struck – Drum Idiophone
This water/mud drum comes from the Sepik River, located on the island of New Guinea in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is one of the biggest rivers in the world. Technically it is known as a ‘stamping’ drum. When agitated on an area of mud, the resulting suction produces a variety of sounds regarded as the voice of a spirit.
This drum most notably is found among the Iatmul People, who live along the middle reaches of the Sepik River and are among the most prolific and accomplished sculptors in New Guinea. Their religion is complex and includes a diversity of rites and ceremonies devoted to ancestors, spirits, and other supernatural beings. Included in their religion are a range of sacred musical instruments, such as flutes, slit gongs, drums and this rare water/mud drum.
Resource: iatmul water mudd drum tambour d’eau new guinea (drummuseum.com)