Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2LA-CHLT-03
Puerto Rico ‘Tiple’
Puerto Rico
Puerto Ricans
Woods, metal
Commissioned in 2016 by HWMC – maker Pico Periz Cruz, Artesano de Puerto Rico
Length: 30 in; Width: 10 in; Depth: 3 in
Chordophone – Lute – Plucked
The tiple is the smallest of the three string instruments of Puerto Rico that make up the orquesta jibara (cuatro, tiple and bordonua). According to investigations made by Jose Reyes Zamora, the tiple in Puerto Rico dates to the 18th century. It is believed to have evolved from the Spanish guitarrillo. This tiple was commissioned to be made by Pico Periz Cruz, Artesano de Puerto Rico for the Hartenberger World Music Collection in 2016.
The tiple, Puerto Rico’s smallest string instrument and its jumbo version, the bordonúa, were often played to accompany religious songs. While the melodic cuatro has been embraced as a popular symbol of puertorriquenidad (Puerto Ricanness). The tiple nearly disappeared in the 20th century. There was never a standard for the tiple and as a result there are many variations (number of strings, how it is strung, tuned, and played) throughout the island of Puerto Rico. This tiple has four strings with the peghead tuning machines on the sides facing back. The bottom half of the body is rounded like a guitar, however the top half slants to the center and is rounded off at the top. The neck and bridge resemble the construction of a Spanish guitar. The tiple player is called a tiplista.