Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AF-AEBH-15
Punu 'Sanza'
Gabon, Ngounié River region
Wood, kaolin paint, rattan
Early-Mid-20th century
Length: 14.5 in; Width: 5 in; Depth: 3.5 in
Aerophone – Lip Vibrated – Horn
The Punu people are one of four major cultures in Gabon. They live in independent villages divided into clans and families and social cohesion is ensured by a society known as Moukouji, whose primary role is to subjugate harmful forest spirits. During ceremonies related to the society, small statues and masks appear which are often covered in white pigments alluding to their anti-witchcraft functions.
This sanza has four bamboo tines (lamellas) attached by rattan to a resonator box. The finial head shows white kaolin paint on the face, with black hair and red detailing on the neck, ears, and lips. The rest of the instrument is painted black.