Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2NA-IDST-04
Tlingit ‘Bird' Rattle
Southern Alaska and northern British Columbia
Northwest Coast / Tlingit
Wood, pigment, twine, leather, pebbles
ca. 1950s CE
Length: 12.5 in; Width: 4.75 in
Idiophone – Struck – Indirectly Struck – Rattles
A Pacific Northwest Coast, possibly Tlingit ‘Bird’ rattle. The body of this amazing carved wood rattle is comprised of two sections, the lower section is hollowed and filled with pebbles. Tiny holes drilled at the corners of each half allow the two pieces to be tied together with cord. A tubular handle projects from the rear, extending past the tail and is held together with strips of leather wrapping. It is polished and features black, white, red, and blue paint. The artist has carved the wings closed against the body, with painted white tips on the tail and neck feathers. The motif of an eye is incised and painted red in the center of both wings. The rounded head has incised and painted details including black eyes surrounded by white, crest feathers, and a non-painted, pointed beak that is open.
This may have been made as a personal object of power to be used by prominent individuals as it is a bird rattle and not a raven rattle that often symbolizes some aspect of initiation ceremonies.