Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AERV-43
Single Reed - Saxophone
1924 King ‘Saxello’ in Bb
Cleveland, Ohio
H. N. White & Co. – ‘King’
Metal, leather
ca. 1924
Length w/o MPC: 25.5 inches
Wind Instruments – Woodwind Instruments – Single Reed – Saxophone
Engraving on bell: King / Saxello / MADE BY / THE H. N. WHITE CO. / CLEVLAND – 0
Engraving on back of body: PAT. PEND’G / 71161
A King Saxello (Bb soprano saxophone) in original silver plate with half turned gold-wash bell and curved top. The H.N. White Company introduced the Saxello in 1924-25, receiving the patent on November 2, 1926. They felt that the Saxello offered improved tone, added comfort, ease of playing, and better flash. The body is satin silver finish with a polished silver bell on the outside, mother-of-pearl finger buttons, and leather pads.
Unfortunately, the Saxello became a victim of the cutbacks in the Great Depression and production stopped in the late 1930’s. This is one of the early ones with serial number 71161.
Resource: https://www.hnwhite.com/Saxello%20Page.htm