
Steampunk is a retro futuristic subgenre of science fiction that was recognized and identified with the phrase ‘Steampunk Art’ in the 1980s. It is an art form that combined aesthetic and technology designs inspired by 19th century industrial steam-powered machinery.  The term ‘Steampunk’ was coined by science fiction author Kevin Wayne Jeter who also wrote the first cyberpunk novel ‘Dr. Adder.’  Jeter has written and published many books in this genre, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, and Warner Bros. ‘Blade Runner.’  Nevertheless, many scholars remind us that the concept of the ‘Steampunk’ existed in literature decades before the term was coined, especially when reading the visionary stories of authors HG Wells, Jules Verne, and Mary Shelley, back in the 1800s. 

While in Steampunk Art the most prominent material is metal, such as brass, copper, steel, and iron, it may also include wood, fabric, and glass.  The focus of this collection is on musical instrument parts, forms, and function. 

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