Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-AELV-07-14
Lip Vibrated
Tabwa Horn (Oliphant)
Southeastern DRC
ca. Mid-20th century
Length: 16 inches
Aerophone – Lip Vibrated – Horn
Rare Tabwa horn/trumpet from the Lake Tangayika region. Ancestors are embodied in figural sculptures known as “mikisi,” which are carved by religious specialists. The use of linear geometric decoration is also a characteristic of the Tabwa carvers, as seen on this Tabwa horn. The new moon is represented by the triangle in Tabwa iconography and is reflected in the shape of the blow-hole where the horn player buzzes their lips in the horn to produce a sound. The triangle symbolizes rebirth and the continuity of life.
Exceptional carving showing usage and age.