Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: AS-AELV-09-14
Lip Vibrated
Tibet 'Rkang-gling' (Metal)
Tibet (Autonomous Region of China)
19th century
Length: 16.25 in
Aerophones – Wind Instruments Proper – Lip Vibrated
The rkang-gling is a Tibetan trumpet that’s name is a combination of rkang (leg bone, femur) and gling (flute). This rkang-gling, designated as a trumpet, is all metal (copper) with an elaborate mythical animal mask cast on the front in the shape of a sea monster or dragon (chu-srin; Sanskrit makara) and features auspicious symbols incised on the circular bands. It is played by buzzing the lips in a circular lipped mouthpiece. The rkang-gling is played in chöd rituals performed outdoors with the chöd damaru and bell, as well as funerals performed by a chöpa.