Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AS-IDST-80
Tibet ‘Silnyen’ (Cymbals)
Tibetan Buddhist Monks
Brass, leather, fabric
19th-20th century
Diameter: 12.5 in
Idiophones – Idiophones Struck – Cymbals
A set of handmade Tibetan traditional cymbals known as silnyen. These cymbals are distinguishable by the small central boss and are struck together vertically. They are often referred to as the ‘gentle’ or ‘peaceful’ cymbals used to perform pleasant sound music for peaceful practices. In Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, both the rol mo and silnyen are used by the chant leader or Umdze. They may be used to direct the other musicians in an assembly or to mark the rhythm of the recitation addressed to the deities, providing rhythm patterns to accompany songs or ritual dances.