Owner: HWMC

Catalog#:  2AF-IDST-29

Slit Drums

Water Drum (Dansuom - Gedundung)

Ghana and Gambia
Ashanti, Ewe, and Fulbe

Calabash, wood. rubber
Mid 20th century
Gourd diameter: 15.25 in; Depth: 9.25 in (with stand)
Idiophone – Struck Directly  – Percussion Vessel

This is a water drum called dansuom in Ghana, by the Ashanti and Ewe people.  The same instrument is called gedundung by the Fulbe in Gambia.  It consists of a hemispherical calabash placed upside down in a large gourd filled with water and is played with sticks.  In both Ghana and Gambia, women usually play this instrument within musical ensembles, adding to the rhythmic timbre and accompaniment.  The water drum shown here, with rubber tipped sticks, came from Ghana.  Acoustically, water amplifies sound.

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