Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-AEBH-34-14
Edge-blown Flutes (Blow-hole)
Yombe Figural Flute
Northwestern tip of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of the Congo.
ca. Early-Mid 20th century
Height: 13.5 inches; Width: 1.25 inches
Aerophone – Edge-blown – Flute/Whistle
This beautifully carved flute/whistle from the Yombe tribe shows a classic Yombe female figure kneeling, with her hands behind her back. Possibly a symbol of the slave trade. It is delicately carved and has a medium brown patina along the stem. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, whistles function in a variety of contexts, including hunting – signaling, healing, funerary, initiation activities and for personal enjoyment.