Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDST-46-14
Provenance: Thierno Diop, Akanyi African Art. Seattle, Washington
Bells, Metal
Yoruba 'Omu' Bell
Bronze bell / lost wax casting
Late 19th – Early 20th century
Height: 14 inches
Idiophone-Struck Directly – Metal Bell
Bells used by the Yoruba peoples are connected to the Ogboni (Oshugbo/Osugbo) Society that honors community founders and smaller bells were worn as emblems of rank. Ogboni is a fraternal institution indigenous to the Yoruba language-speaking polities of southwestern Nigeria, Republic of Bénin and part of Togo, as well as among the Edo/Benin people groups. This larger anthropomorphic bell was possibly used in special Yoruba divination ceremonies dealing with fertility.