Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: 2AS-MBST-05
Struck Membranophones
China 'Tanggu' Ceremonial Drums
Wood, gilt, paint, lacquer, metal, ox hide
19th century (Qing Dynasty)
Drum A: Height: 17.5 in; Diameter: 16.5 in; Stand height: 29.5 in; Stand width: 20 in; Stand depth: 21 in
Drum B: Height: 17.75 in; Diameter: 18 in; Stand height: 30 in; Stand width: 23 in; Stand depth: 22.5 in
Stick sets: Length A: 13 in; Diameter A: 1 in
Length B: 13.25 in; Diameter B: 0.875 in
Membranophones – Struck Directly
Tanggu literally means ‘ceremonial drum.’ This pair of 19th century Qing Dynasty lacquered tanggu Chinese drums has intricately painted excurved sides, painted double heads, and decorative metal rivet trim attaching each of the heads. The drums are slightly different from each other in terms of design details and stands, and likely represent a female and male pair. Each drum has four circular gilt hooks around the midsection which attach to hooks on the parcel-gilt stands. The stands collapse and are painted red with similar intricate design fields. The tops of each of the four posts on the stands form gilded dragon heads, with one stand featuring rounded heads and the other pointed heads. Dragons are a known symbol of good luck and prosperity in Asian culture.
There are also two sets of wooden sticks that are intricately painted like the stands. Colors on the drums, stands, and sticks include red, gold, black, green, blue and white. One set of sticks has two long green woven strings with tassels at the ends, while the other set has identical strings with no tassels.