Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AERV-20
Martin frères ‘Clarinet in A’: 6-Keyed
Paris, France
Martin frères
Boxwood, ivory, brass, ebony
ca. 1840
Length: 26.5 in
Wind Instruments – Woodwind Instruments – Single Reed
Stamped on barrel, top joint, bottom joint, and bell: [honey bee] / MARTIN FRES / [fermata] / A PARIS / A
Simple system Clarinet in “A” by Martin frères in five sections including the barrel, top joint, middle joint, bottom joint, and bell. It is made of boxwood with horn ferrules. The six round key covers are flat and made of brass. The springs are attached to keys mounted in wooden rings and a gradual bottom joint bulge. The sixth key is c-sharp’/g-sharp’. Martin Kranz of St. Louis Woodwind and Brass – St. Louis, has done conservative work on this clarinet to meet playing condition.
The Martin freres Company was established around 1840 in the city of La Couture, France, by three brothers: (Fracois) Jean-Baptiste (1817-1877), Claude Engene (1819-1874), and Felix (1821-1896) MARTIN (surname), with a showroom in Paris. In the late 1890’s the Thibouville family of Paris took over and continued the Martin freres tradition and brand name until 1927. In the 1930’s, a group of French and American businessmen revived the company and licensed the Martin freres name to various woodwind manufacturers worldwide to produce student-level woodwinds until the late 1960’s. Today, the Martin freres brand instruments have improved with the new generation of engineers and craftsmen, producing high quality clarinets.
Resource: Martin Frères – ClarinetPages (google.com)