Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: NA-AEWF-02
Edge-blown Flutes
Haida 'Totem Pole' Flute
Just off the coast of British Columbia – Haida Gwaii
Northwest Coast / Haida
Yellow Cedar
Mid-20th century
Length: 24.75 in
Aerophone – Wind Instrument Proper – Edge-blown Flutes
To the Native American the flute represents the sounds of life and each are created differently. As seen with this Northwest Totem Pole flute of the Haida people, it consists of figures, symbols and has five finger holes on top. The word ‘totem’ is derived from the Algonquian word ‘oddodem,’ meaning ‘kinship group.’ The carvings on this flute symbolize or commemorate the clan cultural heritage lineages. Represented on this hand carved animal totem pole flute are the bear, whale, beaver, and raven. The Native American concept of totemism encompasses a range of beliefs. In particular, is the belief that people have a spiritual connection or kinship with the creatures in nature. The four clans that have a rich history involving the totem pole are the Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian cultures.
This Native American flute has two air chambers: The end that is closest to the player’s mouth with a slanted upward (ramp-type) channel, and the bottom foot end or sound chamber, also called the pipe body. Inside the flute is a plug or stopper that separates these two chambers. The Native American flute is not strictly considered an end-blown flute. Air is blown into the mouth hole of the flute and travels to the exit hole of the first chamber, on top, where there is an affixed external/mobile block (the whale seen here). This affixed block serves as a roof or cover at the ‘wind way’ between both chambers and directs the blown air into the flue of the second chamber across a splitting edge (fipple edge). This sound chamber with fingerholes, allow the player to change the frequency (pitch) of the vibrating air by covering the holes with their fingers.