Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: 2AS-MBST-17
Struck Membranophones
Japan ‘Furi Tsuzumi’
Wood, hide, pearl, string, metal, paint
Early-Mid 20 century
Total Length: 20 in; Drum head diameter 6 in; Depth: 3 in.
Membranophones – Struck Membranophones
The furi tsuzumi (furtistsuzumi – ‘shaking drum’ or toko) is a pellet drum used in Japanese Shinto processions and dances. This furtistsuzumi consists of a double headed drum with a red painted wooden circular frame. There are two pellets, each connected by a cord tied to a metal framed loop on each side of the drum. The two pellets consist of a small pearl and a small wooden bead each tied to a string. The drum frame is pierced by a vertical circular red painted rod, and when played the hand twists this rod back and forth causing the pellets to strike the heads in a rhythmic fashion. Inserted and projected outward from the rim of the two drumheads is a single row of twenty-seven (27) small wooden pegs/studs on each side.