Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AS-MBST-25
Provenance: Shiro Kuma Collection of Edwin and Rhena Symmes of Atlanta, GA.
Struck Membranophones
Japan 'Tsuridaiko' (Gakudaiko)
Wood, leather hide, silk, paint, gilt gold
19th century
Drum diameter 20 inches; Stand height 51 inches
Membranophones – Struck Membranophones
The tsuri-daiko (gakudaiko) is a large Japanese hanging barrel drum used in gagaku (court music). It is hung from a round tama-form stand made by lacquered wood, and a wooden gilt gold painted attachment in the shape of a flame is mounted on top. The word tsuri means ‘suspended’ and daiko/taiko is a generic term for drum/s. This double-headed cowhide drum is played on one side only and the skin heads are painted and tacked on. On the one side is painted a dragon and on the other side is painted the mitsudomoe design in gold. This drum is used primarily in a bugaku orchestra.