Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-AELV-04-14
Provenance: Al Thorpe Collection in 2003, who purchased from Dr. Max Kleine, Peitit Musee, Montreal Canada in 1974.
Lip Vibrated
Mangbetu Royal Horn (C)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ca. Late 19th / Early 20th Century
Length: 42 inches Bell diameter: 5 inches
Aerophone – Lip Vibrated – Horn
This side-blown royal horn/trumpet signified a symbol of kingly power and retained an important position in the royal regalia. Large ivory trumpets/horns were blown to announce the presence of a chief at major festivals, and for collective hunts or fishing parties. They were played in groups/ensembles of trumpets creating a hocket effect in sound. The end shows drilled holes as evidence of possible wooden extension to this trumpet. Provenance: Al Thorpe purchased from Dr. Max Kleine, Peitit Musee, Montreal Canada in 1974, who passed on papers stating it was collected in the early 20th century. HWMC purchased from Al Thorpe Collection in 2003.