Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-CHHP-34-14
Source: Website: http://www.ezakwantu.com/GalleryAfricaMusica
Ngbaka Ceremonial Harp
Democratice Republic of Congo
Wood, hide strings
ca. Early-Mid 20th century
Height: 26.7 inches
Chordophone – Harp
“The Ngbaka live in the far north west of Congo. They migrated there from Lake Tchad (Lake Chad) around 1920. They are well known for their anthropomorphic harps. The example here is exceptional. It depicts the Ngbaka central forehead knobs, scarification that Casimir Zagourski photographed during that period (1920’s).” http://www.ezakwantu.com This Ngbaka (or Mbaka) harp represents an ancestor spirit and is used in an elaborate initiation ceremony.
The Ngbaka masks are recognizable primarily for their ridged noses, as revealed in this anthropomorphic harp. Signs of usage and black rope-like cloth wrapped around neck.