Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: 2AS-MBST-40
Stuck Membranophones
Sumba ‘Kodi’ Drum (Indonesia)
Sumba Island, Indonesia
Wood, hide, rattan
ca. Mid-20th century
Height: 13.5 in; Diameter: 6 in
Membranophones – Struck Membranophones
This hand carved and patinated Indonesian ceremonial drum called ‘kodi’ comes from Sumba, also called Sandalwood Island, in the Indian Ocean. It is a single-headed cone-shaped drum with a rattan harness used to secure the skin drumhead. Symbolic carved pegs are inserted between the rattan for tightening and tuning the drumhead. This drum is played with single sticks in each hand and is used in the Zaizo ceremony, which is carefully coordinated performances of music and speech with drumming accompaniment. Other instruments used in the Zaizo ceremony may include a drum called ‘mbamba,’ played with the hands and a gong.
Reference: Ethnographica – https://ethnographica.net/2020/02/19/speedy-delivery-the-hand-drum-from-sumba/ & https://ethnographica.net/2019/12/18/talking-gongs-and-aching-buttocks/