Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: 2AS-MBST-01-16
Struck Membranophones
Uyghur 'Nagra' (Goblet Drum)
Xinjiang Province of Western China
Mulberry Wood, ebony and bone inlay, metal, fiber, camel hide, tacks
Late 20th century
Height: 26.5 in; Diameter: 21.5 in; Drum Head diameter: 17 in
Membranophones – Struck – Directly
The nagra (goblet drum) is typically played in pairs by one performer. They are used in celebrations and in large ensembles by the Uyghur people of Urümqi, Xinjiang, China. The nagra in the shape of a flowerpot, comes in various sizes and possibly originated from the ancient Yuezhi people of China. Xinjiang was located in the hub of the ancient Silk Road, where trade exchanges caused the blending of cultural arts including music and musical instruments. Thus, the origins and development of theses Uyghur instruments are not always clear.