Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AF-IDPL-22
Wagogo 'Ilimiba' signed
Wagogo (Gogo)
Wood, metal, kaolin paint, leather, cloth
Early 20th Century
Length: 13.375 in; Width: 11.625 in; Depth: 2.375 in
Idiophone – Lamellophones – Plucked
This Wagogo (Gogo) ilimba with a relatively large rectangular box resonator has 35 metal keys of varying sizes in a single row. The center section of keys function as a tuning reference. This section is not to be played upon. The top edge of the ilimba is slightly angled and has an overhang. The underside of the top edge is signed, possibly by the maker, reading, “Elikana Mwaluko.”
The top/dorsal surface has a small hole covered by a thin white film, possibly animal hide, and a roughly cut triangular mirror piece just underneath. Both the film covered hole and mirror are at the center of the dorsal surface, while the remaining lower half is painted with a thick yellowing white or cream kaolin paint in geometric designs with small circles, arrows, and arches. Two circles with dashed lines on the interior and a dotted “H” or “A” shape are also incised on the dorsal surface. Overall, the wood is a dark brown color with surface scratching throughout. There are thin leather and red cloth straps strung through holes on the sides near the top. There is one hole on the bottom and one on the back/ventral surface. The entire ilimba is assembled with handmade hammered nails.